Dire Weasels: A Real(ish) Play 5e Dungeons And Dragons Podcast

Episode 119 - All that Glitters is Gold... and other various Gems



Oh geeze. Them Weasels folks have gotten themselves in a bit of trouble it seems. Falling down a pit in the Underdark is never a good idea. Wonderin' how all them will get out of this pickle. Hopefully nothing too crazy happens, or at least if it does the DM has a plan for it. Can't be too bad with our guests... right? Cody, or @codedude3, is our mighty glorious leader guiding us into battle. Ivana, or @arcaneVice gets drunk(while she's on hiatus). John, or @AbsurdistKobold, has fabulous hair. Mollie, or @MollieMM9, silently regrets every decision that has lead her to this podcast. Forrest, or @Walk6070, jerks it to the sound of typing and howler monkeys. We also had guests on this episode of the Dire Weasels! First off, we had Lorelei(@lothlorien_elf) from the Good Looks, Bad Books podcast(@GLBBpodcast), and she plays Fingling Don'Loin! We also had Fox(@Hack_Fox) from the Dragons of Cthulhu podcast(@DoC_podcast)! He plays the guide through the underdark, Fox! Yup! And, our first Fuzzykin player! Cody does th