Leigh Martinuzzi

618 Shawn Askinosie - Meaningful Work: Do Great Business and Find Your Purpose



Shawn Askinosie "Our greatest joy is our sorrow unmasked." Kahlil Gibran Shawn Askinosie is the founder and CEO of Askinosie Chocolate, an award-winning craft chocolate factory. A small business doing great things. Shawn was a successful criminal defence lawyer for 20 years, however, he reached a breaking point in which he no longer found joy in what he was doing. For 5 years he searched for a change and eventually started Askinosie Chocolate. I have a conversation with Shawn about his journey and how he navigated his way into a new career, not only one that he is passionate about but one that brings him a great deal of meaning. His book, Meaningful Work, co-authored a book with his Daughter Lawren, is an inspiring guide to discovering a vocation that feeds your heart an soul. Shawn shares a great deal of wisdom in this chat in which I've taken plenty away. I hope you can too.