The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Sexual Tension And How To Make It Happen - TCW64



We love women. We love having sex with women. We've heard that women love to have sex with us also. But how is it that some guys seem to turn women on so effortlessly, while the vast majority of others are left completely mystified? In case you haven't heard already, the ability to make women hot for you is a learned skill...the art of creating 'sexual tension'. Tragically, most men completely misunderstand the concept, if they bother to even TRY to wrap their heads around it at all...hence the proliferation of bad texting and lame sexual innuendo that goes on. So what in the world ARE we talking about here? How DO you make it happen? And how are we supposed to reconcile being a 'sexual threat' with the recent proliferation of YouTube videos that would have us believe we're practically rapists if we even talk to a woman on the street? Most of all, how come all of those pickup artists who were telling us that 'marriage is for wimps' back in 2005 all have wives and kids now? New Yorker Chris 'Sixty' Anderson jo