The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Avoiding Psycho Women - TCW65



What guy hasn't stopped and asked himself at some point if ALL women are crazy? Well, who better to ponder such deep questions with than a woman? So I invited Heather Havenwood from Dating Triggers to be my co-host, and what do you know? She gladly accepted. (I think, 'What took you so long?' were her exact words.) Now, you may know that the whole topic of psycho chicks is a rather touchy one for me, so you can expect the epic rant you bargained for. What you might NOT be expecting is what Heather contributes to the conversation. In the end, you're guaranteed to be one step farther away from getting tangled up with the WRONG woman. All this and more, after we answer a solid voicemail from David in Oklahoma who asks, 'Where am I supposed to meet women?' Here's a hint: don't even think about 'man spandex'. Are you man enough to accept The Big 4 Man Challenge? === HELP US SEND THE MESSAGE TO GREAT MEN EVERYWHERE === We'll keep the solid, actionable content coming...all for free. If you lov