Pro Women's Cycling

Episode 36 - EPIC (That's a Technical Term)



Hey remember that time a few days ago when Sarah and Dan started talking about all the Best of the Year categories and it took them an hour to get through the first category? Well they're back! And this time they're determined to get through all of the other categories (including the two extra ones that Sarah made up so that she could fit everyone in that she wanted to) no matter how long it takes! Look, we're not gonna lie, this podcast is EPIC (that's a technical term). It's huge. It's long enough to be a Hollywood blockbuster, but it's got more plot, more drama and more action than your standard Hollywood blockbuster, so there's that! So make sure you're stocked up on time and refreshments, this one's perfect for that long drive to see all your extended family for the holidays. Here goes...