Sight, Sound & Story

EP. 5 - Inside the Cutting Room with Bobbie O’Steen Featuring Editor Mary Jo Markey, ACE



Here's an in-depth look at the career of Editor Mary Jo Markey, ACE from our June 2019, Sight, Sound & Story Post Production Summit. With Bobbie O'Steen as the moderator, the two shared footage and talked about Markey's work on the groundbreaking television show "Lost," and her various collaborations with Director JJ Abrams including "Mission Impossible III," "Super 8," "Star Trek," "Star Trek Into Darkness," and "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens." Moderator: Bobbie O'Steen, "Cut to the Chase," "The Invisible Cut" Speaker: Mary Jo Markey, ACE ("Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens," "Star Trek," "Mission Impossible III" ) About Mary Jo Markey, ACE: Mary Jo is an accomplished editor in both film and television. After cutting a series of independent films and television movies, Markey began her collaboration with JJ Abrams as one of the editors of the TV series "Felicity" during its first three seasons (1998-2000). Markey then moved over to edit the first two seasons of "Alias," during which