Inquire Within Podcast

Joel Kramer & The Evolution of Yoga



Joel Kramer is one of the most well-known yoga teachers in the United States. He has been teaching yoga since the �60s and has greatly influenced the work of many of the big-name yoga teachers of this generation. After contributing major articles to Yoga Journal and traveling the world teaching, he stopped in 1982 to pursue his writing and other work and interests. Now this revolutionary teacher is back teaching, giving talks and workshops on spirituality, the yoga of mind, physical yoga, and with his partner Diana Alstad on the yoga of relationship.In this podcast interview Joel talks about his evolutionary vision of yoga and the evolution of yoga in the West, as well as its importance in helping to transform individuals and our world in this time of great challenges and change.ResourcesJoel Kramer's WebsiteEmail JoelPurchase Joel's BooksThe Guru PapersThe Passionate Mind Sync with Your iPod