Inquire Within Podcast

The Cosmic Mass with Matthew Fox



The Rev. Matthew Fox is the author of over thirty books including Original Blessing: A Primer in Creation Spirituality. Originally Roman Catholic, Matthew Fox is now an Episcopalian after numerous theologic disputes with Rome  that led to his expulsion.    By advocating 'Creation Spirituality' which embraces the Divine Feminine, gay rights and earth-based traditions such as Native American Spirituality  he has rocked the foundations of more traditional approaches to  spirituality. He is also the driving force behind The Cosmic Mass—a modern ritual which has drawn people of all ages but is a particular draw for the younger generation.  It infuses multimedia images, dancing, modern music and elements of the trational Mass. In this Podcast Skylar Willson joins Matthew Fox to talk about Creation Spirituality and the next generation of The Cosmic Mass. Learn MoreThe Cosmic MassMatthew Fox's WebsiteMatthew's Book