Inquire Within Podcast

Yoga & Shamanism with CJ Ananda



Merging with the Medicine Wheel is a Shamanic Yoga Tour that CJ Ananda and her husband, Coby have created as a way to invite individuals to explore the fusion of the two mystical traditions of Yoga and Shamanism. Yoga (union with the Divine) and Shamanism (interaction with the spirit world) are both practices designed to grant us access to the infinite wisdom we carry within our selves. The ceremonies that Ananda and Coby offer are grounded in a vinyasa flow yoga class, and use the sacred vibration of sound and the sweet nectar of cacao as portals to connect us with our Power Animals and Spirit Guides. The ancient teachings of the Medicine Wheel provide an anchor for this intense, transformational experience. Energetically guided by the cycles of the four wind directions, we come to sense the inner anatomy of our bodies, and access the emotional patterns and attachments held in the mind. From there, we learn to reveal our passions and use the mystical gifts within to shift perceptions and dream our world into