Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

53: Why Labor Day Films Are Usually Doomed ft. Marc



Episode Summary: The discussion on this episode of the FadCast is all about the failure of Labor Day films as Marc joins Ryan and Pooya to discuss the Labor Day box office blunders. Join us as we go through a discussion of the history of films released on Labor Day weekend and their poor box office numbers. We also go through why Labor Day is the worst holiday in regards to film when it comes to both profit and critical acclaim. Finally we go through a speed round of current events and end the show with Pooya's "Laborious Film Quiz." Episode Breakdown: POOYA: You are listening to FilmFad.Com’s FadCast Episode 53. RYAN: With special guest, day laborer Marc. POOYA: Today we’ll discuss why films released on Labor Day typically fail. RYAN: And make our minds set sail as Marc and I face off for Pooya's "Laborious Film Quiz." POOYA: You'll hear all that and more, So let’s get started. (Intro Music break) Current Events Speed Round (~5min) Why Labor Day is the worst holiday weekend for film (~20min) Pooya's "Labori