Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

73: Making a Film on a Budget ft. Leonardo Warner



Episode Summary: Today the FadCast talks about "Madhouse Mecca" with the man behind it, Leonardo Warner. We go into the details about what it takes to make it in and out of Hollywood and also how to make a film on a smaller budget. We also talk about some of his cast which includes Tera Patrick and Scott Evans (brother of Chris Evans. How did you like the show? Which is YOUR favorite episode to date? We want to know YOUR opinion, so tell us in the comment section below. Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 73. Ryan: With special guest, "Madhouse Mecca" writer/producer/director, Leonardo Warner. Pooya: Today we’ll analyze independent films to find out what makes them tick. Ryan: And explore the darker side of the human condition, talking Leonardo Warner's upcoming "Madhouse Mecca." Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started! (Intro Music break) Current Events Speed Round (~5min) Making an independent film on a budget (~39min) You can currently check out L