Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

76: Superhero Movies For Date Night ft. Mike Federali



Episode Summary: Today the FadCast talks about the the best superhero films to bring a date to. We also talk about the final "Batman V Superman" trailer and deleted scenes from Mrs. Doubtfire surface dredging out emotions once again for the loss of Robin Williams. How did you like the show? Which is YOUR favorite episode to date? We want to know YOUR opinion, so tell us in the comment section below. Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast episode 76. Ryan: With special guest, Tidewater Comicon Guru and Creator, Mike Federali. Pooya: Today we’ll talk about superhero romances in cinema. Ryan: And pick our favorite and least favorite films to take a date on. Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started! (Intro Music break) Tidewater Comicon Discussion (and other randomness) (~14min) Superhero films that you can bring a date to! (~42min) And you can check out Tidewater Comicon at: Tidewater Comicon Website Tidewater Comicon Facebook Page Also...call in and leave us a vo