Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

92: Foreign Films and American Adaptations ft. Ido Samuel



  Episode Summary: Today the FadCast ventures abroad as we are joined by 2002 Israeli Academy Award winning film “Fill the Void” Actor Ido Samuel to explore foreign films and the impact they have on the American film industry. We also briefly recap Ryan's trip to the Washington D.C. for the 2016 Awesome Con and how 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Star John Boyega Calls Idris Elba "Daddy" for 'Pacific Rim 2'. How did you like the show? Which is YOUR favorite episode to date? We want to know YOUR opinion, so tell us in the comment section below. Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast Episode 92 Ryan: With our special celebrity guest, Foreign Film Actor, Ido Samuel Pooya: Today we’ll talk about famed Foreign films from across the globe Ryan: and discuss which of those foreign flicks were remade for American audiences. Pooya: You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started! (Intro Music break) Current Events - 2016 Awesome Con Recap and John Boyega Cast in 'Pacific Rim 2'. (~4min)