Fadcast | Podcast About Film Fads Movies And Pop Culture

113: Staple Halloween Movies ft. "Another WolfCop" Creator Lowell Dean



Episode Summary: This week on the FadCast, "Another WolfCop" writer/director Lowell Dean joins us to speak about staple Halloween movies and his upcoming "Dirtier and Harrier" sequel. But first we talk Tom Hardy Joins Josh Trank’s Al Capone Film and Uwe Boll Angrily Announces His Retirement for our SPEED ROUND and Lowell participates in our terrifying "A Nightmare On Elm Street" script read.  Episode Breakdown: Pooya: You are listening to FilmFad.com’s FadCast Episode 113 Ryan: With our special celebrity guest, writer/director of "WolfCop" and The Upcoming "Another WolfCop," Lowell Dean Pooya: Today we’ll revel in the fear of innocence celebrating a Holiday drenched in blood and guts Ryan: as we talk staple Halloween movies that scare and prepare us for the spookiest time of year Pooya: muhahaha, You’ll hear all that and more so let’s get started… if you dare (Intro Music break) Current Events -  Tom Hardy Joins Josh Trank’s Al Capone Film and Uwe Boll Angrily Announces His Retirement  (2min) Script Read - "