Operator Podcast

Jason Wallace: Control is an Illusion



The first 25 years of Jason's life were golden. Success and accomplishment seemed to follow his every move. Jason was a star football player, he was a leader in school, he was musically talented, he played football at Stephen F. Austin, he qualified for Mensa, and traveled the world. Naturally, Jason expected greatness to follow his continued hard work. However, when Jason turned thirty the life he knew changed entirely, the next ten years would prove to be incredibly challenging. Jason's Mom developed breast cancer. His wife went into preterm labor at 24 weeks with their twin sons. The boys were born weighing 1.5 lbs. each, their lives hung in the balance between life and death. The years that followed were physically and emotionally difficult, and the care of their sons consumed them. Over the next few years Jason took on several entrepreneurial start up ventures that didn't make it. Due to medical bills and being out of work, Jason had to declare bankruptcy. In this episode Jason shares his journey from l