Better Than Success Podcast

#6: 3 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Understand about Money



In the episode of the 'Better Than Success Podcast", Nikki Purvy talks about the Three Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Understand about Money.  She uses her experience with working with hundreds of small businesses and startups to hone in on the three most invaluable lessons that most new businesses need to grasp to help their business flourish. The lessons as recorded in this podcast episode are as follows: 1) Money is a tool Nothing more. Nothing less. Money is not real. It has no real value. Its a tool. Its not a thing to love because its not lovable. Its not a thing to praise, its not even a thing to rap about in songs. Once you understand that its a tool just like a wrench or a hammer then you will make better money decisions for your business  Here are some uses for this tool. Use it to make time and freedom Use it to buy cash flows (and wealth) 2) Know the Difference between speculating and investing In Benjamin Gram’s book “intelligent investor”, the author differentiates the difference between s