Better Than Success Podcast

#21: Understanding the Importance of Scale for Your Business: Success Code Minicourse Overview



In episode 21 of the Better Than Success Podcast, host Nikki Purvy talks "Why you need to understand the importance of scaling your business: Success Code Minicourse Overview" A lot of entrepreneurs come to us for business advice or digital media help and I find that a very common theme that small business owners and new entrepreneurs struggle with is They don’t have a complete vision for their business... They don’t focus on the right aspects of the business that will lead them to success... They think too small Scale - In financial markets, scalability refers to financial institutions' ability to handle increased demands; in the corporate environment, a scalable company is one that can maintain or improve profit margins while sales volume increases.  Always Start with the end in mind. Over the next couple of months, I’m going to put you through a mini course called Success Code that will help will help you. It will feature a closed Facebook group and downloads. Who this MiniCourse is for... New entrepren