Doctor Who: The Krynoid Podcast

050: An Unearthly Child



"This doesn’t roll along on wheels, you know!" So there you have it, time travel technology explained in a nutshell. Yes, it's An Unearthly Child - the first ever four episodes of a wee programme called Doctor Who. We give it six months, if it's lucky… It's a grimy old saga that begins with a foggy junkyard, a crafty old weasel and a police box that's ALIVE! Then we go back to our roots and join a convivial bunch of skull-cracking cave people, including a greasy-wigged leader, a prehistoric Lady Macbeth, a mighty-nosed sex pest and a poor man's King Yrcanos. Ian gets a shock, Babs gets hysterical, Susan gets her freak on and the Doctor gets on everyone's nerves. Fagin takes on Greg Sutton in a bone-splitting, pumpkin-smashing fight to the death, while Babs borrows Susan's infamous trip-every-trip footwear for a moonlit dash to TARDIS. So is the dawn of Mankind a good place to kick off our favourite Adventure in Space and Time? Listen in and find out…