Andy Petranek Podcast

90: Jack Osbourne — Shining a Light on Addiction and MS



You may remember Jack Osbourne from the hit TV show The Osbournes. He’s the son of the heavy metal singer Ozzie Osbourne and is a regular member at CrossFit Los Angeles.   Jack has a thriving business producing travel and history shows alongside his dad (who’s a closet history buff). He’s also a husband and a father to two daughters.   But the reason I wanted to have him as a guest on the show was to talk about his experience with addiction and getting sober as a teenager, as well as his diagnosis with multiple sclerosis (MS).   Before the age of eighteen, Jack had become addicted to painkillers, recognized it, and then willingly went to rehab, kicking it without relapse — he’s now fourteen years sober and counting.   Not long after kicking painkillers, he got the sort of news that any human being who’s been to the doctor with strange symptoms dreads. He learned he has MS.   Jack didn’t tuck his tail under and run. Quite the opposite. He’s lives his life openly and honestly, sharing his trials and tribulation