Andy Petranek Podcast

98: Dr. Ron Hulnick — Spiritual Psychologist



Dr. H. Ron Hulnick is recognized as a pioneer and worldwide leader in the field of spiritual psychology. Together with his wife, Dr. Mary R. Hulnick, he serves as the University of Santa Monica’s Founding Faculty and Co-Director, designing USM’s extraordinary curriculum and facilitating their transformational graduate programs.  [Note: For the complete set of show notes, links, and contact info, head to]  In 2011, Ron and Mary co-authored Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology, and it is now available in twelve countries and eight languages. With the launch of their online program, Ron and Mary have taken the teachings of spiritual psychology beyond the classroom and out into the world. Their highly successful courses inspired Ron and Mary’s latest book, Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul-Centered Living. Don’t miss this very special discussion between Andy Petranek and Dr. Ron Hulnick. You’ll learn what a spiritual psychologist does, h