Andy Petranek Podcast

123: Patrick McKeown — Learn to Breathe for Health and Vitality



“My mission is to empower people to take control of their own health, well-being and fitness using simple breathing exercises proven to improve body oxygenation”. -Patrick McKeown Breathing. It's fundamental to human life, and we've been breathing air since moments after birth. It's so instinctual, we do it correctly right from the start - diaphragmatic breathing with the mouth closed. Like so many other aspects of life, though, many of us stray from this original, natural, and healthy behavior. According to Patrick McKeown, the derangement of our breathing process is at the root of many of the ills and ailments that are common today. Patrick McKeown is the author of seven books and the Director of Education and Training at the Buteyko Clinic International. The Buteyko method is a breathing technique used to help children and adults suffering from breathing problems including asthma, COPD, snoring, and sleep apnea as well as helping athletes improve performance. Click here for complete show notes, resources