Andy Petranek Podcast

144: Katie Wells — The Wellness Mama



Available On: iTunes  | Google Play  | Stitcher  | Spotify Katie Wells, the “Wellness Mama,” is a wife, a mom of six, an award-winning blogger, author, podcaster, and a real-food crusader. Her mission with is to provide simple answers for healthier families through practical tips, real food recipes, natural beauty and cleaning tutorials, natural remedies and more. To handle her daily workload, Katie has developed systems and tips for living a Wellness Lifestyle™ with a family, and on a budget. She was recently named by as one of the 100 most influential people in health and wellness along with Dr. Oz, Dr. Mercola, Food Babe and Tim Ferriss. From Andy: Katie in one word - "amazing". She has intentionally set up her life (and her family's life) to be in alignment with who she is and what she values. To do that, she's had to make some really significant changes and sacrifices, and it hasn't always been comfortable or easy, but she and her family and kids are already starting to reap