Morgana Radio For More Money, Love, And Magic

Living the Dream w/ Laura Gisborne



Laura Gisborne is a highly successful business expert with over 20 years experience. From structuring and selling small boutique businesses to owning a multi-million dollar wine and real estate empire, Laura has owned nine businesses, her first when she was only 23 years old. Laura is an Internationally recognized speaker and serves as a business consultant for business leaders and entrepreneurs in a wide range of industries. The innovative business model of her company, Legacy Leaders Global, exemplifies that companies can be both profitable and purposeful. Through her initiatives, thousands of women and children are receiving regular contributions in multiple countries across 5 continents. She has served as a Guardian Ad Litem for foster children through CASA, Parent Education Coordinator for Family Outreach, Board Member for Habitat for Humanity, Sedona School District, and Global Women’s Empowerment Fund.She is the author of the books, “Stop the Spinning – Move from Surviving to Thriving” and “Limitless W