Console Obscura

Console Obscura is on vacation! Here's some hits to tide you over!



Console Obscura is on vacation! Here's some hits to tide you over!    Jimmy: Super Mario Bros. 2 "Because sometimes the sequels simultaneously reinvent and codify what people hold dear about a franchise in the long run." Kenny: WiiSportsCast "It showcases the sillier side of the show and is entertaining as hell. Plus, I think it's a creative approach to talking wii sports." Adam: Battletoads "As a prime example of the lengths that some people will go to in order to master a lousy game." Wylie: Mario Kart "It was, to date, the most sideways episode we had done, but despite our hung-over-ness we actually did discuss Mario Kart. Eventually. It, to me, is a fine example of candid personalities. If you didn't know the Console Obscura crew before that episode, you surely did afterwards. Three thumbs up!" Ian: CO Nights - The 12oz of Christmas. "Frank Sinatra! The holidays! Beer! Runners up: The Hanksgiving episode, and Halloween Nights... I guess I'm just a sucker for a holiday special!"