Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

025-Why Prices Are Rising-The Crumbling US Economy



Well the economic chickens have come home to roost in the form of higher prices as inflation soars. Food, fuel, consumer goods are rising at an alarming pace putting US consumers squarely in front of this trainwreck. Since the FED starting pumping trillions into the economy here and abroad, the commodities market has gone vertical. Most if not all commodities are traded in USD the world's reserve currency. As our dollar weakens from the flood of cheap or free money and credit, commodoties are rising and affecting people across the globe. This is why people are rioting in the Middle East.... This episode aims to help you understand the problem and steps that you can take to help protect yourself. Please remember to leave a comment on this episode at Http://www.harvesteating.com, my favorite comemnt will win a Soil Cube a neat device for helpign to plant seeds.