Why I Social

Episode 48 - The One With Fun Fun Fun Fun!



On this week's episode, we have a lot of fun. Really, it's not an understatement. There's a lot of fun in this episode. Do a shot every time we say fun and you'll realize how much fun we have. Also, we go into Taco Mode at one point.  This week's Five Favorites:  1. The Tesla Model 3 interior doesn't look like any car you've ever seen [The Verge] 2. YouTube’s head of music confirms YouTube Red and Google Play Music will merge to create a new service [The Verge]  3. UPS Store Stops Printing from URLs and USB Sticks Ahead of Def Con Hacking Convention [The Verge]  4. So long, Flash: Adobe will kill plug-in by 2020 [CNN - Money]  5. Hot Topic: Jeff Bezos Briefly Tops Bill Gates as the World's Richest Person [Bloomberg]  Honorable Mention(s) Lyft's "Taco Mode" lets you take a stop at Taco Bell for late-night cravings [The Verge]  DISHonorable Mention(s) Apple Says So Long to the iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle [Apple] Five Favorites' Tweet of The Week @MerriamWebster Use the hashtag #FiveFavorites to share YOUR