Why I Social

Episode 61 - The One Where Amazon Opens Your Door



On this week's episode, Chris is preparing for a party with Mickey Mouse. It's possible Bezos visited his home while he was away. Also, Super Mario Odyssey is getting some super reviews.  This week's Five Favorites:  1. Trump to Open Skies to More Drone Testing [NYT] 2. Designing 'Super Mario Odyssey': Nintendo re-invents a gaming icon [CNN] 3. New York To Replace Metrocard with Modern Way to Pay Transit Fares [NYT] 4. Twitter stock surges more than 18 percent as it nears first profitable quarter [CNBC] 5. (Hot Topic) Amazon Key Is Bigger Than Package Delivery [Gizmodo] Honorable Mention(s) Instagram - two person live streams [Product Hunt] DISHonorable Mention(s) US Air Force Tweets Santa Isn't Real [Gizmodo]  Five Favorites' Tweet(s) of The Week  @alyankovic Use the hashtag #FiveFavorites to share YOUR favorite stories each and every week - and YOU may be included on the show (including our new tweet of the week feature).