Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#126: How to obtain safety and security even in the chaos



We have been told largely that our sense of safety and security comes down to what we earn and how stable that income is. We think that the more money we make, the more control we will have over the quality of our lives. This though in a lot of ways, is a fallacy. Security is not tied to how much money we make, if anything it’s tied to how we handle our money. Even then though that can only give us so much. This is an important distinction to make because often, in our pursuit of more money, we actually give up important parts of ourselves with the notion that once our pile of money grows bigger so will our sense of safety.  We convince ourselves that this trade-off will be worth it, even though it isn’t. Covid has shown us that even the most seemingly “secure” jobs and industries have been rocked. It has allowed us to see that safety and security are never guaranteed, regardless of what work we choose to do. There is power in knowing this.  Ultimately the only thing you truly need to feel safe and secure is