Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#129: Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Doing and Reacting?



Sometimes we can get stuck in the cycle of constantly “doing” without leaving any space for reflection. Making space between the moment that you have a new idea and taking action on is what will allow you to build a business that is authentic. Think about how often you ask yourself… If what you’re doing makes sense? If you’re building towards your dream life and business? If what you’re doing is authentic to you and not influenced by your peers? In entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get into a reactive mode. We see what others are doing and we jump onto the bandwagon. Or we hear a new marketing tip and we implement it right away. I often talk about the “shiny object” syndrome with my clients who feel pulled towards someone else’s version of success. When you find yourself reacting instead of responding, take some time to add more reflection instead of constant doing into your life. Remind yourself that you’re on your own journey and try to appreciate someone else’s work without shaming yourself if that’s not wher