Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#134: Where You Are Right Now, is Exactly Where You Need to Be



The only way to become the person you’re excited and confident about is to embrace the person that you are today, at whatever stage of the journey you’re in.  We all go through our own journey and oftentimes, what helps us push through, is the community we surround ourselves with. Instead of looking at others as perfect or having everything together, it’s important to realize that we are all exactly where we need to be today on our journey towards our potential. It’s why I’m so passionate about building a community for those of us with service-based businesses who are giving, giving, giving… doing, doing, doing… but also need to stop and fill up our own cups. I’m hosting a free fireside chat this upcoming Wednesday where we will be diving into YOU, so that you can be supported personally and in your business with whatever it is you’re creating. Come as you are and where you are today. It’s exactly where you need to be. How this relates to this week’s episode is that often, we feel flawed because while we are