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MM37: Jules Taggart on how to Create a Kick Ass Proposal



Jules Taggart is the first return guest on Marketing Moxie and is joining us today to share how to create kick ass sales proposals. No matter how much a prospective client loves you, your proposal can quickly make or break you. To get them to “yes”, Jules offers some power tips and we talk about gotchas with creating proposals. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at  Items Discussed in this Episode: The biggest mistake when it comes to putting together a sales proposal or quote Jules’ must have elements of a proposal Jules’ #1 tip that makes a difference in her sales proposals How to set up the follow up for a sales proposal How to decide who to give a proposal to, there are times you don’t have to write one! Jules’ and Maggie’s tips for being selective on what you’ll give away for free on your sales calls Top 3 Takeaways for this Episode: Make sure you include your results in your proposal. What will you help the client actually ac