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MM39: Liz Brazier Talks About Getting It DONE



As a business owner, it’s typical to struggle with staying on track at times. Between good ideas that take you down the rat hole to shiny objects to social media, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important. Accountability coach Liz Brazier helps people cut the crap and get down to business, and today she’s sharing how to keep yourself accountable and get the right shit done. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: Liz’s advice for making accountability part of your daily routine Why an accountability partner is so helpful and important How to use a timer to make yourself accountable Liz’s power tips to create accountability in your business How to ‘focus in’ your to-do list to make it not so overwhelming Liz explains the difference between getting busy work done versus getting done what will make a tangible impact in your business and your life How Liz keeps herself personally accountable Top