

Hello December...if you’ve not already started, it’s time to get a game plan so when January rolls around you’re not floundering about once the New Year arrives.  Or if you’re already planning, today’s show talks about how to create a realistic plan, plus a glimpse into some behind the scenes of how I’m doing my planning and prioritizing. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: The importance of starting to think about 2015 now so you don’t fall into a holiday coma. My strategy for getting over the feelings of overwhelm as you start planning. Ideas for not losing momentum through the holidays. How to ‘brain dump’ and why it’s necessary so you don’t go insane. Moving away from a stodgy annual plan to a 90-day plan that’s flexible. Walking through a 90-day plan so you can create one too. Top Takeaways for this Episode: Brain dump! Get everything out of your head: the must-haves, nice-to-haves, everythin