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Episode #91: Marketing Moxie Summer Reads: Storytelling & Persuasion



It’s no secret that I love books, so when I was looking for something fun to do this Summer as a series on the show, I opted to do a series on books. Every week in July I’ll be talking books, we’ll have a fun giveaway where you can win a book bundle and more!  Oh and we’ll even have a listener picks episode! Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: I explain the Marketing Moxie Summer Reading series and how fun it’s going to be! I’ve always been fascinated with psychology and persuasion books, and I’ll explain why. If you want to understand why people really buy, the ‘Influence’ by Cialdini is a great place to start. ‘50 Ways’ by Cialdini book is great because it’s basically the cliff’s notes on ways to be persuasive that are scientifically proven. ‘Winning the Story Wars’ brings in a ton of information on storytelling, and introduces the idea that social media is taking us back to where we started with storytelling