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MM104: Marie Poulin - Pro Tips for Running Your Course



Courses, programs, group coaching...all of these things are seen as the gold standard in the online world as they bring you passive income. Last week we talked about what launching a program looks like, but what happens when you actually run that course? Marie Poulin, the creator of Digital Strategy School joins us today to break down her journey from idea to launch to actually running the program. Show notes with key points, takeaways, and links for this episode available at   Items Discussed in this Episode: Marie shares how long it took to get from the idea of the digital strategy school to where she is today Marie lets us in on the process she went through to develop her course Marie used a beta group to test and tweak her course, this helped her make some unexpected changes based on feedback When developing a new course, it doesn’t matter how ‘pro’ you are, you will always have to work through self doubt and the impostor complex; Marie shares how she did so There’s no