Videogame Bang! Podcast

Videogame BANG! #8: Wii U Console/ Games Review



What's Up Pizza's?! You might think its weird that four grown men and one 16 year old kid all gathered together and spent an entire evening playing Wii U... The 16 year old being Cory's cousin visiting for the holidays from the armpit of California, 'Fresno'.To be quite honest I think we were all surprised that this was how we were spending our Thanksgiving weekend. The Wii U launched over a year ago now, and strangely everybody knew about it, but not many really cared. As far as console launches go it was extremely quiet. It was this reason the Videogame BANG! team was set out on exploring the Wii U for ourselves and trying to figure out the eternal question: Is it fun?! New addition to the VGB squad Mark Griffin, is a huge Wii U enthusiast. Armed with a stack of Wii U games and Zelda branded console, the team focused on the five player couch co-op experiences that the Wii U had to offer... Immediately following the session, Cory, Aaron, David, Mark, and Derrick locked themselves in the studio. We discuss