
The Power of Sleep



You might consider getting seven hours of sleep each night a luxury, but your body probably needs at least this much to function properly. “Sleep is absolutely critical to our overall functionality,” said Dr. Helene Emsellum,medical director for the Center for Sleep & Wake Disorders.  “Sleep restores us both physically as well as psychologically. We can take on the next day with a clear head to get to the things we need to do.” Emsellum says adults need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep a night. “I like to think of seven hours of sleep as the lower legal limit…. You drop below six hours of sleep a night, we can put you on a driving simulator and you’ll drive drunk.” Young children need 10-11 hours of sleep, adolescents need 8.5-9.25 hours of sleep a night. She says our brains need sleep in order to properly store the information gathered each day. “During the night we have to prioritize information, we need to store the memories we want to keep.” Sleeping your way to your ideal weight A good sleep routine