
Creating Meaningful Rituals for Achieving Goals



A new year seems like a logical time for making a fresh start. I thought why not do a podcast about reinforcing a new year’s resolution or goal with ritual? So, I turned to one of my favorite yoga instructors to walk you and me through this process. I’d imagined she would suggest doing something spiritual like lighting a candle and gazing at a crystal cluster in a meditative state. Or, setting some meaningful mementos and fresh flowers in an area of your home that could serve as a small alter, reminding yourself of the person you wish to become. But, I was wrong. She did suggest the meditation part – sitting still doing deep belly breathing for five minutes a day. “Meditation is a wonderful ritual every morning, to set space for self respect, to set the tone of our attitude. To realize who we want to be in that day and how we want to meet others,” explained Suzanne Marlow, a Santa Barbara area marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and Insight Yoga instructor at Yoga Soup. For those who have trouble sitting sti