
Heroin and Painkillers



America’s prescription drug and heroin problem has grown to epic proportions. Across the country, families – many in middle class and affluent neighborhoods - have lost loved ones. Others may have a child, brother or sister who’s actively using, or fighting to beat their habit. In this podcast you'll hear from "Eric," a 26 year old recovering addict who started using hard drugs as a teenager. He shares his story of being in and out of rehab three times, and achieving three years of sobriety before he started using again a few months ago. You'll also hear from Dr. Constance Scharff, director of addiction research at the Cliffside Malibu treatment center and author of "Ending Addiction for Good." She will explain how this drug epidemic got started, who is getting addicted and how easy it can be to get hooked.  You may also be interested in these Lisa.FM Thrive! blog posts and podcasts 12 Steps: A Path to Recovery Healing Emotional Pain Don't miss an episode of Lisa.FM Thrive! Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes,