
Doctor's Near Death Experience Offers 'Proof of Heaven'



Many people have described having near death experiences (NDE), and so has neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander. After coming down with a mysterious illness, he spent a week in a coma, his mind on an odyssey in between worlds.   In his bestselling books, "Proof of Heaven" and "Map of Heaven," Dr. Alexander describes what he experienced, and what he learned about the mind, and consciousness, while he was in a hospital bed unconscious.  I caught up with Dr. Alexander at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles, and he shares his experience and what he learned in this episode of Lisa.FM Thrive! Here are some of the resources Dr. Alexander mentions in our conversation:,, To read more on this topic, visit the blog post at Don’t miss an episode of Lisa.FM Thrive! Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Blubrry,Stitcher, Libsyn, or listen on Tune-In and Thanks in advance for sharing this podcast with your friends, rating the podcast a