
Befriend your own Goodness



Is it time to stop being so hard on yourself! So many of us can often be - hard on ourselves. My guest in this podcast, Lalli Dana Drobny invites you to befriend your own goodness through practicing mindfulness. Drobny, who has been teaching mindfulness classes in Santa Barbara for many years, suggests that practicing 'embodied mindfulness'- listening to your body (mind, heart and gut) - to determine what you are feeling. Then, if you are able to allow yourself to feel - and stay with - the uncomfortable emotion for 90 seconds, it will dissolve.  Drobny shares a few simple mindfulness exercises, including a 'metta' meditation, in which you repeat to yourself, calmly, while inhaling and exhaling:  may i be safe​ may i be happy​ may i be healthy​ may i be at ease​   Drobny is leading a mindfulness workshop later this month at Santa Barbara Yoga Center. Click here for details.   Click here to listen to another Lisa.FM Thrive! podcast with Lalli Dana Drobny   Subscribe to this podcast at iTunes, Stitcher,