
Summer Solstice + Time in Nature Makes You Healthy



Happy Solstice - in Santa Barbara, we are welcoming Summer this weekend with a colorful & creative people-powered parade (no motors, no corporate branding) that draws tens of thousands to State Street to see the spectacle, followed by a celebration in the park. Wherever you are this weekend, consider taking time to mark this major turning point of the year - equal parts of light and dark. In this episode, I share ideas for a Solstice ritual - as well as findings from a new study that reveals people who spend two hours a week in nature (anywhere, doing anything), reported better well-being and satisfaction with their life (read more in The Guardian). Plus - how do you use your Premium Starter Kit of essential oils once your order them at I offer some tips for working these pure nature's essences into daily life. Finally - are you in Santa Barbara Solstice Weekend, you're invited to an essential oils infused meditation/goal setting ritual at the beach. Message me for details, and listen for