Desperate Mothers

057 - Star Wars Force Awakens Spoilers and Upcoming Movie Predictions



Spoiler alert! Do not download if you have not seen the movie. Repeat, do not download if you have not seen Star Wars The Force Awakens. On Christmas Eve CJ and Matt talk about internet friends, imaginary friends, fake friends, Star Wars' longest opening weekend in movie history, Thursday somewhere in the world, Disney greasing generates longer copyright ownership, worldwide box office predictions, Beach Ball is not a bad character, Benedict Khanberbatch, black stormtrooper outrage, Rey's lineage discussed, official rules regarding Jedi offspring, Anakin's exit exams never revealed, Star Wars canon is discussed, Muppet versus Star Destroyers results in an interesting outcome, A New Hope scenes parroted, J.J. Abrams threw the fans a bone, elements from the original trilogy, original run of Star Wars, the big spoiler, Emo Kylo crybaby, symbolism for fifth graders, Ben's lament, Alec Guinness DGAF, unforgivable plot holes, janitor dissing, Kylo Ren has no significant lightsaber skills,