Legends Of S.h.i.e.l.d.: A Marvel Comic Universe Podcast

Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #29 One Shot - Thor 2011



The hosts of Legends Of S.H.I.E.L.D. continue their summer love affair this week with the evolution of Agent Clark Gregg as we follow our future S.H.I.E.L.D. Director into the Land Of Enchantment of the New Mexican desert as he meets Thor in his six nipple suit, Dr. Foster, Dr. Selvig, our friend Darcy and the fans are introduced to Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye on the big screen. The fans are also introduced by the now known Hydra Agent Sitwell and Agents Lauren, Haley and Stargate Pioneer pontificate on what it really meant for both Thor and Loki. Also, Agent Lauren brings the Lauren Hair Report back, the ladies oogle over shirtless Thor, and Stargate Pioneer ponders Sif versus Agent 13. And everyone laments the reduced role Dr. Foster achieved in this first Thor film. Don’t miss the ladies schooling Stargate Pioneer on Thor comic lore too! Our congratulations go out to Jay Witten for winning the Iron Man 2 Bluray/DVD/Digital copy give away! Stay tuned as we continue our summer giveaways in the coming weeks.   N