Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




How Your Soul and Body create your Life's Journey  Invocation of Sacred Space – Why I do this My goal is that my guides and your guides work together.  When I take the time to invoke the Nature Sphere and Archangel Michael, it is much more likely that your own guides will share with you an additional story and complimentary ideas as I speak. If the words I’m using aren’t quit what you need to hear, your guides can give you a memory, an image, a symbol or an idea that is more suitable for your life and what is going on with you right now.   Inviting that aspect of Archangel Michael that is always and already supporting you in your journey and the elements of Nature to create Sacred Space will magnify your healing process.    Why we Resist Releasing Thoughts, Emotions, Behaviors   Sometimes we resist releasing energies that surround us, largely out of habit.  We have become accustomed to feeling the equivalent of pillows all around us, or many winter overcoats layered upon us.  It can feel scary to let go of th