Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




Breathing Stillness / Generating Peace A series of Meditations to naturally generate Power and Ease by Connecting your Physical Body to your Soul’s Journey   1 Introduction 2 Creating Sacred Space 3 Balancing Body, Soul and Spiritual Helpers 4 Good Brain!     5 Releasing Emotional Tumult in the Heart Completion A Sound Healing to release High Heart tumult   with Gordon Johnston, harp and Jeremy Sills, singing bowls 6 Rededicating your personal High Heart; Sound Healing Ode to Day  7 Solar Plexus, Kidneys and Adrenals: Your True Power  8 Breathing Stillness  / Generating Peace 9 Ovaries, Testicles and 2nd chakra; Deep Patience and Ease:    How much ease does your soul want your body to experience now?  10 Summary 11 Releasing Sacred Space      From our heart down to our pelvis lie energy centers that are seldom spoken about, let alone cleared and consciously utilized by those of us in modern Western society.  Here is a meditation that may assist in addressing issues commonly associated with mistunings of these