Norma Gentile Sound Shaman




How to connect with those guides and Angels within the Earth and lower dimensions that support you. A flow of spoken insights and healing songs from Spirit. Archangel Michael and the Hathors worked through me to create this experience of healing in words and songs. It includes many healing songs, improvised through me from Spirit. 1 As Above, So Below   What if all of the Angels existed not just in heaven but also within the Earth below us?2 Three Healing Songs from Spirit3 A new consideration of Grounding  What if we could connect into our Earthly Soul, just like we connect into our Heavenly Soul?  How would this feel in our body? 4 Healing Song with two Tibetan singing bowls  (thanks to Amy Koch for playing with me)5 Where is that aspect of Archangel Michael from within the Earth that is already connected to you?      An open Q&A brought some new insights on: 6 The Pure Energy of Nature and the First Dimension An explanation of the terms and a demonstration meditation of their energies and uses in our