Sellercast - Sell More On Amazon

SC23: How to build a 7 figure ecommerce business when English is your second language



In today's episode Idan based in Israel joins us to share how he was able to build a 7 figure ecommerce business selling on when English is his second language. Idan has an interesting approach to the way he picks the products for his business and the relationships he builds with his suppliers as he shared in this episode. The amazing part about Idan's business is that he leverages the skills of others he's hired through UpWork to help with the aspects of his business that he isn't an expert on such as product listing creation. When English isn't your native language it doesn't have to be burden for you to get started selling on and as Idan shows it can in fact be a strength. You can read the show notes and look at the resources mentioned in this episode by clicking here. Also, if you'd like to get more reviews for your products on Amazon check out Salesbacker.