Eternal Leadership

016 Judy Robinett | How to Be a Power Connector



There is deep value in creating meaningful relationships. It is through building relationships that we can truly be servant leaders and add value to others. Our guest Judy Robinett shares how she went from a shy small-town girl to the pinnacles of the business world by doing just that. Judy shares practical steps on what it means to give before you get! Judy Robinett shares how to build a network based on serving others. This is a critical factor for success in business, ministry and in life. She grew up in a small town in Idaho of less than 300 people, so she has had to put in the time, effort and energy to build her network.  In addition, Judy had to overcome her shyness and emotional scars from years of being bullied in school.  Judy shares the turning point that created a shift in how she viewed relationships that changed the trajectory of her life. The key is knowing the value of relationships and how to connect with people to build and solidify those relationships. She says it boils down to a few things