Game Of Thrones Podcast

510- "Mother's Mercy"- Game of Thrones Full Recap



In this season finale on Game of Thrones, entitled "Mother's Mercy" we saw several characters die. Some deaths made us happy (Meryn Trant, Stannis Baratheon, Myranda) others not so much (Jon Snow, Myrcella Baratheon). The high sparrow showed us what his idea of atonement and the mothers mercy is. Frankenstein has joined the kingsgaurd. Arya Stark has suddenly gone blind. One of the biggest cliff hangers of the episode is the fate of Daenerys Targaryen. Do the Dothraki know who she is, do they know about her dragons, do they intend to do her harm? We wont find out until season six, but until then, lets discuss it. We will have a season recap, and discuss anything that we may want to add on from previous episodes. If you want to get in on the discussion, send your feedback to Thank you for listening.